[3dprinter-general] Bug#1055468: Bug#1055468: python3-charon: Warning during boot about "Unknown username "ultimaker" in message bus configuration file"

Gregor Riepl onitake at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 07:45:39 GMT 2023

Hi Dave,

> Since it's just a warning, I wouldn't touch it. Stable updates are
> possible, but need poking the stable release managers who have more
> interesting problems to fix.

In that case, I recommend comparing the list of files and removing 
what's not needed:


You can basically delete /lib/systemd/system/charon.service and 
/usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/nl.ultimaker.charon.conf on your system to 
get rid of the warning.

It's not a persistent change, but it's unlikely that there will be an 
update to the package in stable.


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