[Amavisd-new-debian-devel] 2.2.1

Brian May bam at snoopy.apana.org.au
Sun Jul 24 22:53:17 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Traina <amavis at st04.pst.org> writes:

    Paul> I think 30-user should really be an empty file, not a
    Paul> commented-out version of the defaults.  People can reference
    Paul> the copy in /usr/share/examples, but only changelines should
    Paul> go in 30.

Sorry about the long delay (months) in approving your post. You would
be better off subscribing to the mailing list.

What do others think of this suggestion? That the user configuration
file initially be empty?

I have also received the suggestion that I should abandon this
approach, and just use ucf to merge the differences.

I want to get the configuration system finished before I move it from

    Paul> p.s. just to confirm my sanity, while you're building this
    Paul> magic conf system, amavis in experimental is NOT yet using
    Paul> it, we're still using the copy in /etc/amavis.conf, right?
    Paul> (from my perusal of the perl code)

The copy in experimental has the changes.
Brian May <bam at snoopy.apana.org.au>

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