[Amavisd-new-debian-devel] Doing some amavisd-new work for Wheezy

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh hmh at debian.org
Mon Aug 6 00:43:46 UTC 2012

I am trying to do some cleanup and fixes for amavisd-new, in hope they will
get freeze-exceptions and make it to Wheezy.

1. Upstream bug-fix release 2.7.2
2. dpkg-maintainerscript-helper rm-conffile for the old anacron cronjob
3. assorted stuff.

I also uploaded a backport of the current package (2.7.1-2) to bpo60.

I've created release/* branches in my local repo to make it easier to track
each branch (possibly known to) the bts.  One should always include previous
changelog entries from that branch in new uploads to that branch, or the bts
version tracking goes apeshit.  This is not something that easy to remember,
I forgot that detail when uploading the 2.7.1-2~bpo60+1 backport, and the
result is the mess you can see in #678501's fixed/not-fixed version tree.  I
will clean that up in a future backport (you just need to add the missing
debian/changelog entires at their proper place, and document you had to do

While working on this stuff, I noticed that the upstream branch in git was
not forwarded to upstream/2.7.1 (easily fixed).  I also noticed none of the
tags are signed.

I will be using signed tags, they will make life ****MUCH**** easier the
next time any of us has to deal with a possible compromised git repo.  Due
to the way git works, this will also secure all previous history, but it
does nothing to secure previous tags.

I propose that for the future, we should use signed tags (both for
upstream/* and debian/* namespaces).

Actually, it might be worth the effort to actually retag everything with
signed tags, but there are drawbacks, one of the worst ones being that
git will bitch to anyone who already got the unsigned tag in their local

Are you guys fine with the above proposed changes?  If not, what should
I do instead?  And should I bother with retagging?

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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