[Android-tools-devel] New Android SDK/NDK Rebuilds

殷啟聰 | Kai-Chung Yan seamlikok at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 12:25:21 GMT 2018

Hello Paul,

> I am an android developer and am using this debian sdk with enthusiasm and the current version targeting android 6.0 works like a charm. I simply want to give you feedback that your work is very important and very much appreciated!

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad that people benefit from our packages!

> From my developer's point of view, it is crucial to keep the target up to date (the update to android 8.0 is very much on the way, as far as I get it). 

Yes, the newer the better. Unfortunately we simply don't have such staffpower to keep up the pace, and there is still plenty of work to package the latest SDK Platform.

> It would be of help is someone manages to make the appcompat libraries available, if possible.

I'm not sure about this. Technically they are not part of a build toolchain, instead a runtime components of applications. Debian does not support Android applications, so including these libraries into the archive does not seem appropriate.

Initially we had plans to package them as part of the SDK but I no longer want to do it after Google made them available through their own Maven repository. I'm not sure if those binaries are of similar nature like the SDK itself, i.e. proprietary along with unacceptable licenses, but most binaries from JCenter or Maven Central are quite similar with regards to this.

> Unfortunately, I myself have zero experience in building debian packages, therefore I fear I can't really help. But be sure that your work on this project is great!

Bug reports and feedback are helpful too!

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