[Android-tools-devel] Suggestions for improvements for the Team Maintained Packages

Samyak Jain samyak.jn11 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 16:23:24 BST 2020


Here are a couple of things we can do to ease our work and automate things:

 1. Using *meta-build* maintained by Ruby-team:

      Debian Ruby team maintains a set of scripts that helps testing
reverse dependencies of packages when updating an existing package in
addition to running the clean build with suild and autopkgtest with lxc. It
runs autopkgtest for all reverse dependencies and rebuilds all reverse
build dependencies.[1]

 2. Using *routine-update* maintained by Science-team:

     The routine-update is a shell script, and the package is maintained by
Debian Science Team. The script automatically checks for various lintian
warnings and errors, check for updates. And fixes it. It would be effective
to use, hence it automates the work.[2]

 3. Enabling *CI* :

     A couple of months earlier, utkarsh2102, suggested on the ruby-team to
enable salsa.ci in all the packages for providing continuous integration.
We can add salsa-pipeline as CI ensures that every package accomplishes the
minimum quality to be in the archive.[3]

4. Enabling *autopkgtest*:

      "autopkgtest runs each test supplied by a particular package and
reports the results."

 There are most of the packages in our android-tools teams that lack the
autopkgtest test suite. We should try to enable autopkgtest, if someone is
refining(Fixing Errors and Warnings) the package or updating it, we should
care to add these tests.

I can give a helping hand in that.

Since, I'm new to the team, it would be great to have a discussion, or if
there is any other alternatives for the same.

Are there any other suggestions/opinions?

Thanks and Regards,

Samyak Jain


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/meta

[2] https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/routine-update/

[3] https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/pipeline/blob/master/README.md
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