<div dir="ltr"><pre>Hi everyone,
I hope that everyone is doing well, and is safe!<br>As we know, today is the last Thursday for this month, so it's time <br>for Android-Tools meeting. More precisely, the tenth monthly meeting is scheduled <br>for today, Jul 29, 15:00 UTC (Thursday).<br><br>Just for the quick heads up, there was change in meeting time last month;<br>NOTE: **change in time of day**: 15:00 UTC on Thursday 2021-07-29. <br><br>If you are joining us for the first time, please join us on IRC:
ircs://<a href="http://irc.oftc.net/debian-android-tools">irc.oftc.net/debian-android-tools</a>
<a rel="nofollow" href="https://matrix.to/#/#_oftc_#debian-android-tools:matrix.org">https://matrix.to/#/#_oftc_#debian-android-tools:matrix.org</a>
<a rel="nofollow" href="https://time.is/1500_24_June_2021_in_UTC/">https://time.is/1500_24_June_2021_in_UTC/</a>
This month, openjdk-8 was accepted into unstable last month, and after<br>a long break our Kotlin package is NEW queue! The GSoC coding period is in progress. <br>Feel free to reply with anything else to add to the Agenda or to let us know
you will/will not be attending.<br></pre><pre>Hope to see you all at the meeting, hop in say hi!<br><br></pre><pre>Thanks and regards,<br></pre><pre>Samyak Jain<br></pre></div>