<div dir="ltr"><div>Hello Team,</div><div><br></div><div>I hope everyone is doing well and is safe, with this mail, we are completing one year of regular monthly meetings, yay! In the last year team BoF, this initiate was taking, and I look forward to meeting all of you once again in this year BoF! :)<br></div><div><br></div><div>It is scheduled for <b>Friday, August 27 at 15:00 UTC.</b></div><div><br></div><div>Here's a draft for agendas, which can also be found at the etherpad link: <a href="https://pad.dc21.debconf.org/p/34-android-tools-team-bof">https://pad.dc21.debconf.org/p/34-android-tools-team-bof </a>(needs fixing, but might work in future)<br></div><div>If you would like to discuss or add anything, feel free to reply back to this thread, update on etherpad or you can always find me at <a href="https://app.element.io/#/room/#_oftc_#debian-android-tools:matrix.org">#debian-android-tools</a> channel!<br></div><div><br></div><div><pre>## Debian Android Tools BoF
The BoF for our team is scheduled for Friday, August 27, 2021, at 15:00 UTC.
The schedule for the talk is at, and the link to the Jitsi Room (TBD).
Will be available on: <a href="https://debconf21.debconf.org/talks/34-android-tools-team-bof/">https://debconf21.debconf.org/talks/34-android-tools-team-bof/</a>
0. Agenda
1. Hi, Welcome to this BoF!<br> 2. What all happened from last year?<br> 3. Two outreach students - About,
4. What are the status of present Android packages?
5. Present status of Gradle and Kotlin?
6. Welcoming newbies and how to help them to get started?
7. Future of the Android Team
8. Any other suggestions, it's an open floor!
9. See you all next year! :D
1. Hi, Welcome to this BoF!
Welcome to the BoF, thank you for joining us!
Please introduce yourself briefly by telling us:
>> What's your name and nick?
>> How are you connected with Debian?
2. What all happened from last year?
3. Two outreach students GSOC - About.
>> Introduction
>> Work Progress / Blockers (if any)
<br>4. What are the status of present Android packages?
5. Present status of Gradle and Kotlin?
>> Gradle Status: What are the blockers>
>> Kotlin Status: Did we heard it correctly, that kotlin is in NEW? ;)<br></pre><pre>What are future plans?<br>
Add here...
6. Welcoming newbies and how to help them to get started?
>> Proper documentation for Welcoming new contributions.
Add here...
7. Future of the Android Team
>> How to bring more contributions to the team?
Add here...
8. Any other suggestions, it's an Open Floor!
>> Feel free to add if something is left to discuss?
Add here...
9. See you all next year! :D
Hoping to get pandemic over soon worldwide, and look forward to meeting you all in-person next year!
<font face="arial,sans-serif">Thanks and Regards,<br>Samyak Jain</font>