[Aptitude-devel] Bug#837971: Bug#837971: aptitude: [PATCH] Distinguish Debian-specific and upstream upgrades

Keshav Kini keshav.kini at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 19:18:57 UTC 2016

On 09/16/2016 04:47 AM, Axel Beckert wrote:
> Interesting ideas (both, separating upstream from packaging changes as
> well as using the bold attribute for highlighting).
> Will probably have to try it so see how it feels, but in general I
> like the idea. So thanks for having already included a patch!

Sure, my pleasure :)  It took a little poking around to figure out how
to do it but the patch ended up only being a few lines, thankfully.

I'm attaching a screenshot of how this looks in xterm with a bunch of
upgrades selected, for reference.

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