[Aptitude-devel] Bug#889924: [aptitude] Re: Bug#889924: [aptitude] Feature request - For changelog download command, can acceptable Origins be configurable? Devuan

OmegaPhil OmegaPhil at startmail.com
Fri Feb 9 11:52:56 UTC 2018

Package: aptitude
Version: 0.8.7-1

Just as a followup on this (despite opening the bug I didn't receive
mail from it after the first response??) -
src/cmdline/cmdline_changelog.cc:do_cmdline_changelog has the following


      // For real packages/versions, we can do a sanity check on the
      // version and warn the user if it looks like it doesn't have a
      // corresponding source package.


It then proceeds to use aptitude::apt::check_valid_origin shortly after
- so it isn't a security check etc.

The other usage is in src/view_changelog.cc:view_changelog, where it is
probably used as a crutch to avoid validating the changelog data directly:


  // check if we know the origin
  if ( ! aptitude::apt::check_valid_origin(ver) )

...<proceeds to start processing the data>


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