[Babel-users] [Cerowrt-devel] switching cerowrt to quagga-babeld issues

Robert Bradley robert.bradley1 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 15:28:17 UTC 2012

On 03/07/12 13:35, Denis Ovsienko wrote:
>> Does anybody know where this difference comes from?
> The difference comes from NetworkManager. Its efforts in reproducing high-metric RTPROT_KERNEL routes with low-metric RTPROT_STATIC ones are effectively hiding the kernel issue outside of CeroWrt runtime. Would it be better to add a watchdog shell script, which does the same, or patch the kernel?
Isn't the main issue that IPv4 cannot autoconfigure routes?  For IPv4, 
you *need* to set default routes either manually or via DHCP. In IPv6 
this all tends to be done via RA announcements and autoconfiguration.

In fact, I think the NetworkManager static route only comes from 
DHCPv6.  I have a router here (WNR2000v2) that only handles 6to4 traffic 
and dishes out addresses via DHCPv6.  To get proper conectivity, I also 
have a separate gogoc tunnel that is advertised only via RA packets.  
NetworkManager adds a static default route, but only for the 6to4 
router.  The gogc machine only gets a kernel-derived route.

I cannot see that a kernel patch that reports kernel-derived routes as 
static would be accepted upstream.  I think it is more likely that 
quagga will need patching to obtain the autoconfigured routes from the 
kernel somehow.

Robert Bradley

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