Nota para DPN

Giovani Ferreira giovani at
Sun Jan 10 23:14:58 UTC 2016

Olá a todos,

Segue um rascunho da nota a ser enviada para DPN, aguardo uma revisão e
sugestões para envio.

The Brazilian Debian user group with pleasure announce the 1st Mini
DebConf .

This will a exclusive event about Debian, different from previous ones
in 2015, that occurred in other events.

On 5 and 6 March, there will be two days of MiniDebConf for talks,
workshops, hacking, sprints and socializing. The event will be for all
skill levels, from beginners to experts. Come join us on the Mini
DebConf in Curitiba/Brazil.

For more information, visit the official website:

Outro dia recebi o anuncio da Mini DebConf em Viena[1] através da lista
devel-announce[2]. Alguém sabe se esta lista tem alguma política para
envio de mensagens?



Giovani Ferreira
GNU/Linux user: 337388  GPG ID: 2375A66C

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