[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ branch master updated (2c944c6 -> ba7dee6)

Mike Gabriel sunweaver at debian.org
Mon Oct 19 13:45:26 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sunweaver pushed a change to branch master
in repository educlient.

      from  2c944c6   o Update Vcs-* fields.
      adds  a0a0c24   Move etc/ files to etc-common/.
      adds  dde92f1   Add special idmapd.conf for Debian 7.
      adds  f5b1caf   provide fetch-ldap-cert upstart init script for Ubuntu 14.04 only
      adds  cfc9be4   Rename debian/install to debian/educlient.install.
      adds  a10f2dc   debian/control: Don't use Pre-Depends, Depends is sufficient. Add myself to Uploaders: field. Bump Standards: to 3.9.6, no changes needed. Drop deprecated XS-DM-Upload-Allowed: field.
      adds  66414fc   whitespace fix
      adds  26ab80d   drop build-cruft file debian/substvars
      adds  ab52118   debian/educlient.post*: Append package name to script names. Support distro-specific configurations. Set uidNumber:gidNumber of initial user to 500:500 (not 5000:5000).
      adds  87e71ac   debian/educlient.install: Install etc*, not etc into /usr/share/educlient/.
      adds  5b6c581   debian/educlient.postinst: Fix syntax error.
      adds  bfe4f90   Provide upstream script for Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04.
      adds  a9ce089   debian/README.Debian: Fix typos and such.
      adds  59d3c51   rebase upstart for 12.04
      adds  8aed82a   Fix file permissions of exectuable scripts.
      adds  03b0145   update changelog
      adds  d439124   debian/control: Add to D: ${misc:Depends}.
      adds  bd0d8b0   Add support for LinuxMint 17.1.
      adds  be22c3a   debian/control: Change Section: to misc.
      adds  c5ca4b5   debian/educlient.prerm: Drop superfluous done.
      adds  6f6ecc9   debian/educlient.prerm: Don't ignore errors.
      adds  b36e331   fix /etc file name prefix, fix variable in prerm while loop
      adds  e49d171   more prerm fixes
      adds  b655020   debian/educlient.postinst: Don't process files again if already processed.
      adds  b5f7039   debian/educlient.{prerm,postinst}: Only fiddle with initial user account is present.
      adds  8155b19   rebase b655020383f9980cf89bde3550228127ce58c52b
      adds  ff3c4be   rename etc-distro to etc-distrib
      adds  2c8d18a   etc/ prefix fix
      adds  7acdc03   Don't use getent passwd, it breaks idem-potency of the postinst script.
      adds  0a23da8   Remove symlinks before restoring originally diverted file.
      adds  579cb7b   on Ubuntu 14.04 / LinuxMint Rebecca, it is not necessary to change autofs's default configuration
      adds  6a2653d   Always derive config file symlinks from distros and versions that are most similar.
      adds  9bde430   Support LinuxMint 17.2
      adds  a6ba7d6   debian/educlient.prerm: Linux distro and version detection not required in prerm script.
      adds  acb934c   debian/educlient.postinst: Bail out if Linux distro and/or version is not supported.
      adds  503f675   debian/educlient.postinst: Correctly detect Debian testing/unstable.
      adds  2c82b80   Move distro-specific configuration files to /etc/educlient, rather than /usr/share/educlient. Config files stay config files and should be editable.
       new  ba7dee6   Bring the educlient project in proper shape regarding COPYRIGHT information.

The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 AUTHORS.txt                                        |   6 +
 COPYING                                            | 352 +++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/README.Debian                               |   4 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |  33 +-
 debian/control                                     |  30 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |  80 ++++-
 debian/{install => educlient.install}              |   2 +-
 debian/educlient.postinst                          | 150 +++++++++
 debian/educlient.prerm                             |  53 ++++
 debian/postinst                                    |  76 -----
 debian/prerm                                       |  29 --
 debian/substvars                                   |   1 -
 .../dispatcher.d/02debian-edu-config               |  50 +++
 {etc => etc-common}/auto.master                    |   0
 {etc => etc-common}/auto.misc                      |   0
 {etc => etc-common}/auto.net                       |   0
 {etc => etc-common}/auto.smb                       |   0
 {etc => etc-common}/autofs_ldap_auth.conf          |   0
 {etc => etc-common}/default/autofs                 |   0
 {etc => etc-common}/default/nfs-common             |   0
 {etc => etc-common}/idmapd.conf                    |   2 +-
 {etc => etc-common}/init.d/fetch-ldap-cert         |  24 ++
 etc-common/krb5.conf                               |  52 +++
 {etc => etc-common}/ldap/ldap.conf                 |   0
 etc-common/network/if-up.d/autofs                  |  32 ++
 {etc => etc-common}/nslcd.conf                     |   0
 {etc => etc-common}/nsswitch.conf                  |   0
 etc-distrib/Debian/7/.placeholder                  |   0
 {etc => etc-distrib/Debian/7}/idmapd.conf          |   0
 etc-distrib/Debian/8/.placeholder                  |   0
 etc-distrib/Debian/unstable/.paceholder            |   0
 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.1/.placeholder            |   0
 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.1/default/autofs          |   1 +
 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.1/init                    |   1 +
 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.2/.placeholder            |   0
 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.2/default/autofs          |   1 +
 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.2/init                    |   1 +
 etc-distrib/Ubuntu/12.04/.placeholder              |   0
 .../Ubuntu/12.04}/init/fetch-ldap-cert.conf        |   0
 etc-distrib/Ubuntu/14.04/.placeholder              |   0
 {etc => etc-distrib/Ubuntu/14.04}/default/autofs   |   1 -
 etc-distrib/Ubuntu/14.04/init                      |   1 +
 .../dispatcher.d/02debian-edu-config               |  31 --
 etc/krb5.conf                                      | 141 ---------
 etc/network/if-up.d/autofs                         |  13 -
 usr/bin/debian-edu-ldapserver                      |  19 ++
 usr/bin/ldap-server-getcert                        |  19 ++
 usr/share/perl5/Debian/Edu.pm                      |  19 ++
 48 files changed, 906 insertions(+), 318 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 AUTHORS.txt
 create mode 100644 COPYING
 mode change 100755 => 100644 debian/control
 rename debian/{install => educlient.install} (50%)
 create mode 100755 debian/educlient.postinst
 create mode 100755 debian/educlient.prerm
 delete mode 100755 debian/postinst
 delete mode 100755 debian/prerm
 delete mode 100644 debian/substvars
 create mode 100755 etc-common/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/02debian-edu-config
 rename {etc => etc-common}/auto.master (100%)
 rename {etc => etc-common}/auto.misc (100%)
 rename {etc => etc-common}/auto.net (100%)
 rename {etc => etc-common}/auto.smb (100%)
 rename {etc => etc-common}/autofs_ldap_auth.conf (100%)
 copy {etc => etc-common}/default/autofs (100%)
 rename {etc => etc-common}/default/nfs-common (100%)
 copy {etc => etc-common}/idmapd.conf (81%)
 rename {etc => etc-common}/init.d/fetch-ldap-cert (71%)
 create mode 100644 etc-common/krb5.conf
 rename {etc => etc-common}/ldap/ldap.conf (100%)
 create mode 100755 etc-common/network/if-up.d/autofs
 rename {etc => etc-common}/nslcd.conf (100%)
 rename {etc => etc-common}/nsswitch.conf (100%)
 create mode 100644 etc-distrib/Debian/7/.placeholder
 rename {etc => etc-distrib/Debian/7}/idmapd.conf (100%)
 create mode 100644 etc-distrib/Debian/8/.placeholder
 create mode 100644 etc-distrib/Debian/unstable/.paceholder
 create mode 100644 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.1/.placeholder
 create mode 120000 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.1/default/autofs
 create mode 120000 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.1/init
 create mode 100644 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.2/.placeholder
 create mode 120000 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.2/default/autofs
 create mode 120000 etc-distrib/LinuxMint/17.2/init
 create mode 100644 etc-distrib/Ubuntu/12.04/.placeholder
 rename {etc => etc-distrib/Ubuntu/12.04}/init/fetch-ldap-cert.conf (100%)
 create mode 100644 etc-distrib/Ubuntu/14.04/.placeholder
 rename {etc => etc-distrib/Ubuntu/14.04}/default/autofs (99%)
 create mode 120000 etc-distrib/Ubuntu/14.04/init
 delete mode 100755 etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/02debian-edu-config
 delete mode 100644 etc/krb5.conf
 delete mode 100755 etc/network/if-up.d/autofs

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-edu/upstream/educlient.git

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