[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/PressCoverage" by WolfgangSchweer

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Fri Jul 12 23:14:07 BST 2019

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The "DebianEdu/PressCoverage" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

noticed in Hungary, too.

   1. [[https://www.lffl.org/2019/07/disponibile-debian-10-edu-debian-11-bullseye.html|Disponibile Debian 10 Edu]] - www.lffl.org - 2019-07-12 (Italian) 
   1. [[https://www.cnbeta.com/articles/tech/866851.htm|[图]适用于学校等教育机构的Debian Edu 10 "Buster"发布]] - www.cnbeta.com - 2019-07-12 (Simplified Chinese)
   1. [[https://www.todotech20.com/debian-edu-10-version-educativa-buster/|Debian Edu 10, versión educativa "Buster"]] - www.todotech20.com - 2019-07-12 (Spanish) 
+  1. [[http://androgeek.hu/hir/a-buster-utan-nem-sokkal-elkeszult-a-debian-10-edu-10-is|A Buster után nem sokkal elkészült a Debian 10 Edu 10 is]] - androgeek.hu - 2019-07-12 (Hungarian)
   1. [[https://www.linuxadictos.com/debian-edu-10-la-version-de-buster-para-la-ensenanza.html|Debian Edu 10, la versión de “Buster” para la enseñanza]] - linuxadictos.com - 2019-07-11 (Spanish)
   1. [[https://news.softpedia.com/news/debian-edu-10-operating-system-released-as-a-complete-linux-solution-for-schools-526696.shtml|Debian Edu 10 Operating System Released as a Complete Linux Solution for Schools]] - softpedia.com - 2019-07-11

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