[debian-edu-commits] [Git][debian-edu/debian-edu-config][bullseye] 2 commits: cf3/cf.finalize Make sure connman is replaced with network-manager-gnome

Mike Gabriel (@sunweaver) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Aug 22 14:18:43 BST 2023

Mike Gabriel pushed to branch bullseye at Debian Edu / debian-edu-config

238a7212 by Wolfgang Schweer at 2023-08-22T12:51:13+02:00
cf3/cf.finalize Make sure connman is replaced with network-manager-gnome

 In case the LXQt desktop environment is used during an installation including
 the Main server or LTSP server profile, ConnMan as the preferred LXQt network
 manager doesn't support the Debian Edu specific way to set up network interfaces
 (Closes: #1021688).

- - - - -
ac92f6c8 by Wolfgang Schweer at 2023-08-22T12:51:19+02:00
Adjust sbin/debian-edu-ltsp-install

Install the firefox-esr l10n package conditionally in case the minidesktop
thin client type has been chosen (Closes: #1024033).

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- cf3/cf.finalize
- debian/changelog
- sbin/debian-edu-ltsp-install


@@ -106,6 +106,17 @@ commands:
     "/bin/chmod 0644 /etc/debian-edu/www/Debian-Edu_rootCA.crt"
       contain => in_shell;
+  # Make sure connman is replaced with network-manager-gnome in case lxqt is
+  # used during an installation with Main server or LTSP server profile to avoid
+  # broken network setup.
+    debian.(server|ltspserver).lxqt.di.installation::
+    "/usr/bin/apt-get install -y network-manager-gnome"
+      contain => in_shell;
+    "/usr/bin/apt-get purge -y connman"
+      contain => in_shell;
 bundle agent editline_finalize

@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+debian-edu-config (2.11.56+deb11u5) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  [ Wolfgang Schweer ]
+  * cf3/cf.finalize: Replace connman with network-manager-gnome in case the LXQt
+    desktop environment is used during an installation including the Main server
+    or LTSP server profile. (In these cases, ConnMan as the preferred LXQt
+    network manager doesn't work well with the Debian Edu specific way network
+  * sbin/debian-edu-ltsp-install: Install firefox-esr l10n package conditionally
+    in case the minidesktop thin client type has been chosen.
+ -- Guido Berhoerster <guido at berhoerster.name>  Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:45:26 +0200
 debian-edu-config (2.11.56+deb11u4) bullseye; urgency=medium
   [ Wolfgang Schweer ]

@@ -452,8 +452,10 @@ debootstrap --arch="$arch" --no-check-gpg --variant=minbase --include=sitesummar
 	if [ "desktop" == "$thin_type" ] ; then
 		chroot /srv/ltsp/x2go-"$thin_type"-"$arch"/ apt -y -qq install x2gothinclient-minidesktop \
-		x2gothinclient-cdmanager x2gothinclient-usbmount \
-		firefox-esr-l10n-"$LANGCODE"
+		x2gothinclient-cdmanager x2gothinclient-usbmount
+		if ! [ "en" == "$LANGCODE" ] ; then
+			chroot /srv/ltsp/x2go-"$thin_type"-"$arch"/ apt -y -qq install firefox-esr-l10n-"$LANGCODE"
+		fi
 	if [ "true" == "$BD_ISO" ] ; then
 		umount /srv/ltsp/x2go-"$thin_type"-"$arch"/media/cdrom

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-config/-/compare/1b10b14cce1b2ebd70ccc61f4fc4b550b6921850...ac92f6c87cc1bccd1c3a6a504d6a28f8a37ba923

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-config/-/compare/1b10b14cce1b2ebd70ccc61f4fc4b550b6921850...ac92f6c87cc1bccd1c3a6a504d6a28f8a37ba923
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