Bug#1052159: Setting/changing passwords as admin does not work

Guido Berhoerster guido at berhoerster.name
Tue Sep 19 08:40:46 BST 2023

Am 19.09.23 um 09:16 schrieb Mike Gabriel:
> On  Mo 18 Sep 2023 12:51:12 CEST, Guido Berhoerster wrote:
>> Package: gosa
>> Version: 2.8~git20230203.10abe45+dfsg-9
>> When creating a user or changing the password as an admin, the password
>> is not being set after submitting the form by clicking on the "Set
>> password" button.
>> Upon further inspection, the password change form seems to be opened
>> with the selected entry, userManagement->pwd_change_queue property
>> contains the selected user, e.g.
>> "uid=gber,ou=people,ou=Teachers,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no".  However
>> when submitting the form, userManagement->pwd_change_queue is empty so
>> that userManagement->handlePasswordQueue() method bails out at the start
>> instead of modifying the password.
> The underlying cause here seems to be that pwd_change_queue does not survive the call/opening of password.tpl. IMHO, the pwd_change_queue or at least one DN needs to be piped through the from in password.tpl to survive into the next PHP call.
> Have you observed the same issue with the classic theme? Or does the pwd change work with classic theme?
> With Materialize CSS theme I can reproduce this, so I will dive into this...

Yes, this happens with both default and classic themes.

Guido Berhoerster

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