[Debian-ha-maintainers] Bug#925354: : Bug#925354: pacemaker-dev: missing Breaks+Replaces: libcrmcluster1-dev

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Wed Mar 27 00:37:32 GMT 2019

On 2019-03-27 00:48, wferi at niif.hu wrote:
> Yes, I'm on it.  It's somewhat bizarre: libcrmcluster1-dev wasn't part
> of jessie or stretch.  Similarly, pacemaker-dev was present in wheezy
> only, until I reintroduced it recently, and looks like its ghost came
> back to haunt us.  I didn't anticipate piuparts to start with wheezy
> when testing buster upgrades.

Well, I'm running tests starting from all stable releases since lenny
upgrading release by release to testing, keeping all the cruft ...
Sometimes it returns such gems. :-)


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