[Debian-handbook-translators] RFH: Update example involving VNC, gdm, and xinetd in section 9.2

Daniel Leidert dleidert at debian.org
Fri Oct 15 00:42:52 BST 2021

Hi there,

in section 9.2.2 of the book there is an example on how to setup VNC using
vnc4server, gdm, and inetd. This example is unfortunately outdated (no
vnc4server or inetd). I was trying to setup a solution based in tightvnc, gdm3
(xwayland disabled), and xinetd, but while the connection is actually up the
screen shows only Gnome's equivalent of the screen of death. This might be due
to a segmentation fault.

gnome-shell[7964]: segfault at 8 ip 00007fdfb66ba76d sp 00007ffe2b6e7e38 error 4 in libxkbcommon.so.0.0.0[7fdfb66a0000+1c000]

The system is a cleanly installed VM. If you have some knowledge of that matter
I'd appreciate if you could help me update the example.

Here are the files:

========================= /etc/xinetd.d/vnc =========================
# default: on
# description: vnc server remote connection
service vnc
	disable = no
	socket_type = stream
	protocol = tcp
	wait = no
	user = nobody
	server = /usr/bin/Xvnc
	server_args = -inetd -once -query localhost -depth 16 -geometry 1024x768 -ac
	type = UNLISTED
	port = 5908

========================= /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf =========================
# GDM configuration storage
# See /usr/share/gdm/gdm.schemas for a list of available options.




Regards, Daniel
Daniel Leidert <dleidert at debian.org> | https://www.wgdd.de/
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