[Debian-in-workers] Participation in LinuxAsia 2006

Mahesh T. Pai paivakil at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 16:06:23 UTC 2006

Soumyadip Modak said on Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 12:32:46AM +0530,:

 > Has anyone thought of getting a stall for Debian at LinuxAsia ? I'm
 > willing to  stick my neck out  and register for the  stall. But I'd
 > like to

Please do.
 > have an idea  of the number of possible volunteers  at the stall. I
 > don't expect everyone to be  present at all times, but there should
 > be at least enough people to have a sort of shift system.

Count me in.
 > Another  issue  is  to  arrange  for machines,  (DVD)  writers  and
 > *printed* promotional  matter. I  don't have a  laptop, so  I can't
 > contribute much, other than physical presence. :)

Hmm.. this *is* a problem. Even I do not have a laptop. 

Who has the CD  images?  I suggest we give out only  the fist CD; from
*testing* (Not  Sarge); and being above  to give out  the binaries for
the amd64  architecture would  be a very  positive advantage.  Also, I
suggest that  whatever machine which is  going to do  the burning have
the source cd ISO too.

Unfortunatly, I  am tied  down with professional  work up to  at least
6th; which means  skipping sleep some of the days  is out of question.
So I am not sure I can do any of the downloading.

I have the  first binary CD of  Debian GNU/Hurd too, so if  we can lay
our  paws on a  machine which  is sufficiently  obsolete (NO  sata and
fancy h/w) we can demo hurd too.

If somebody REMINDS me around 3 rd or 4th of Feb, AND gives me the pdf
or tex sources,  I will print out a few  ``legal'' size colour posters
for Debian on an inkjet printer. (Ramakrishnan can you TeX it?)

Mahesh T. Pai

Free Software - it is free as in FREEDOM
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