<div id="mailContent"><div style="overflow:visible" id="message1132816357" class="undoreset clearfix">
<div id="yiv442617187"><img style="border:1px solid;min-height:88px;width:449px;min-height:124px;vertical-align:bottom;" src="http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:McSlonVLt6JXjM:http://www.zyra.org/efccbanner0.jpg" height="31" width="116">
<font color="#cc0000"><font size="6">EFCC <span>Head
Office</span></font> <br> <font size="4"> Plot 1017 & 1018
Coree Bay Crescent,Off</font> <br><font size="4">
<span>Adetokunbo Ademola</span>
Crescent</font> <br><font size="4"> Wuse
II, Abuja.</font></font></div>
<div> <font style="font-size:16pt" face="garamond,serif" size="4"><strong>Attn: Beneficiary<br></strong></font></div>
<div><strong></strong> </div>
<div><font style="font-size:16pt" face="garamond,serif" size="4"><font color="#ff0000"><strong> RE: FUND ALERT/FINAL NOTICE AND THE
NAMES OF NUMEROUS SCAMMERS</strong></font><font face="Arial Narrow"><font color="#444444" face="Times New Roman"><font style="font-size:12pt" size="3"><br></font></font></font>
<div><strong> </strong></div>
<div><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong>Sir
sequel to our telephone conversation, and based on our findings in this
investigation department we wish to warn you against some Miscreants, Hoodlums
and Touts who go about scamming innocent people by claiming to be who they are
not and thereby tarnishing the image of this wonderful country Nigeria. We were
informed by our Internet Investigation Department that you have been deeply
scammed or contacted by some of these scammers that their name are listed below,
over your fund which was long approved in your favor by the <span><span><span>Central Bank
of Nigeria</span></span></span>. As a matter of fact we have been on this
investigation assignments for some time secretly known to no one but the
Presidency and some top government officials who are in support of this
investigation team to help stop fraudulent activities in this country and as
well restore the dignity of this country that has been tarnished by the above
listed group of people.<br> <br>Although we have been able to come up with some
good result about the people that have extorted money from all our numerous
contractor/fund owners illegally and I wish to list some of their names so that
you will personally indicate them by writing back to us with the name of who
scammed you among them as we want to make sure that your payment is routed to
you without any further delay. Note that we will surely deal and bring to book
the names of people below if only you will co-operate with us by indicating
correctly any of them that you have been in contact with, over your compensation
payment.</strong></font></font> <br></div>
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif"><strong> <br>The names of the
Notorious Scammers that are now wanted by the EFCC are as
follows:<br> </strong></font><font color="#444444"><br><font style="font-size:12pt" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong>Fake
<span><span><span>Prof. Charles
Soludo</span></span></span><br>Dr. Sanusi Lamido
<div><font color="#444444"><font style="font-size:12pt" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong>Mrs. Carman L. Young<br>Fake Grace
<div><font color="#444444"><font style="font-size:12pt" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong>Fake Intercontinental
Bank</strong></font></font></div><font color="#444444"><font style="font-size:12pt" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong></strong></font></font>
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong>Mrs. <span>Inga-Britt
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong><span>Fake United Nations
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong><span>Mr. Alan</span></strong></font></div>
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong><span>Mr. Anyaehie
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong><span>Dr. David Mark</span></strong></font></div>
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong><span>Dr. Ernest Ebi</span></strong></font></div>
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong><span>Mr. Richard
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong><span>Ms Farida Waziri former EFCC
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong><span>Fake Union Bank of
<div><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong><span>Fake Federal Reserve
<div><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong>Mr.
<div><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong>Stella
<div><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="garamond,serif" size="3"><strong>Fake
<span>Zenith Bank Plc</span><br>Mrs.<font face="Times
Jessie<br></font></strong></font></font></div><font face="Arial Narrow"><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="Times
Roman" size="3">
<div><br><strong><font face="garamond,serif">The above listed names are been
traced/investigated by the EFCC and some of them have eloped the country and
note that if any of them is caught and found guilty he/she we go to jailed for
25 years(twenty five years) as it is under the Degree 47 of the Federal
Government of Nigeria constitution under the sub section 419 of criminal law. So
we are waiting for you to write us back and inform us if you have received your
fund, so that we can start taking the necessary procedural steps prior to
bringing them to book and having your fund wired into your <span><span><span>Bank
account</span></span></span> as nominated accordingly. Should the name of the
Hoodlum that scammed you is not listed above, we will advise that you forward to
us the his name and his contact so that we can trace them and as well bring them
to book.</font></strong></div>
<div><strong></strong> </div><strong></strong></font></font></font></font></div>
<div><font face="garamond,serif" size="4"><font face="Arial Narrow"><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="Times New Roman" size="3"><strong><font face="garamond,serif">NOTE: This mail is not meant to be disclosed to any of these
scammers if you are already in contact with them, so that they will not know
that we are looking for them before they will elope the country. Help us by
keeping this mail as a secret until we get hold of all the people that stole
money from you and we promise you that they will return back to you all the
money the stole from you the moment we catch
<div><font face="garamond,serif" size="4"><font face="Arial Narrow"><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="Times New Roman" size="3"><strong></strong></font></font></font></font> </div>
<div><font face="garamond,serif" size="4"><font face="Arial Narrow"><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="Times New Roman" size="3"><strong><font face="garamond,serif">Have you asked yourself why each time you sent money to
them, they will request you to send another money why because they have nothing
to offer to you and they are not in any possession of your fund. They are
interested in getting more and more money from you and if you don't stop
communication with this impostors, you will end up loosing everything.....<br><br>Sir as soon as we hear from you we shall Authorize you to contact
the only paying bank that has the right to pay or contact you prior to the
<span><span>Wire Transfer</span></span> which is currently been headed by the
Bank Governors. You are further advised to deal directly with them and do what
so ever you are asked to do because that is the only way you will achieve the
success in the receiving of your funds through Wire Transfer. We apologize on
behalf of the President and the people of <span><span>Nigeria</span></span> for
any delay and lost this must have caused you in any way and promise that such
thing will not occur again in the future and if you are currently dealing with
any one of them regarding your fund, we urge you to stop further contact with
them as you are taking a very big risk and it might interest you to know that
you will never get your fund from them as they have nothing to offer.The
hoodlums will continue coming up with expenses and thereby requesting for money
from you until you go Bankrupted. Hence, your funds is currently paying to you
through Wire Transfer. </font></strong></font></font></font></font></div>
<div><font face="garamond,serif" size="4"><font face="Arial Narrow"><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="Times New Roman" size="3"><strong><font face="garamond,serif"> </font></strong></font></font></font></font></div>
<div><font face="garamond,serif" size="4"><font face="Arial Narrow"><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="Times New Roman" size="3"><strong><font face="garamond,serif">All you have to do right now is to stop every communication you have with
these scammers don't pick their calls don't respond to their e-mails if possible
you change your Telephone Number and E-mail so that we will be able to get hold
of them for prosecution. Remember, don't let them know that the EFCC is after
them if you want to get your fund back because we will surely catch them if you
will not mess everything up by forwarding to them this
mail.</font></strong></font></font></font></font></div><font face="garamond,serif" size="4"><font face="Arial Narrow"><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="Times New Roman" size="3"><strong></strong></font></font></font></font><strong></strong>
<div><font face="garamond,serif" size="4"><font face="Arial Narrow"><font size="3"><font color="#444444" face="Times New Roman" size="3"><strong><font face="garamond,serif">
<div><br>For more information feel free to contact me on: +234 706 463 3083<br><br></div></font></strong></font></font></font></font></div>
<div><strong><font face="garamond,serif">We Wait to hear urgently from you so that
we will guide you on what to do.</font></strong></div>
<div><strong> </strong></div>
<div><strong>NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.....</strong></div><font style="font-size:16pt" face="garamond,serif" size="4"><strong></strong></font>
<div><font face="garamond,serif" size="4"><strong>I wait to hear from you urgently,
<div><font face="garamond,serif" size="4"><strong>Sincerely
<div> <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://images.google.com.ng/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nigeriapolicyinstitute.org/Waziri-EFCC_Boss.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nigeriapolicyinstitute.org/&usg=__v-MSASwppVX6SA1xEPIqCspku5o=&h=250&w=228&sz=12&hl=en&start=35&itbs=1&tbnid=jpe0zI7nyhp_pM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=101&prev=/images?q%3Defcc%2Bnigeria%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D18"><br>
<div style="width:310px"><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://nigerianmailonline.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/efcc_boss_ibrahim_lamorde_confirmed1.jpg"><img title="efcc_boss_ibrahim_lamorde_confirmed" alt="" src="http://nigerianmailonline.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/efcc_boss_ibrahim_lamorde_confirmed1-300x223.jpg" height="151" width="184"></a>
<p><b>Ibrahim Lamorde, the new EFCC
<div><font face="garamond,serif"><strong>EFCC Executive Chairman, <br><span style="background:none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent">Economic
and Financial Crimes Commission</span>. (EFCC)<br>Address: 15A Awolowo Road,
Ikoyi, <span>Lagos</span>. <br>