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Sandra J. Pattie (sandrajp.bnknewport@live.com) has shared the following article from Barrington Patch:
<td style='padding-left: 10px; width: 90px; vertical-align:top'>
<a class='thumbnail' href='http://barrington.patch.com/articles/banknewport-gets-first-woman-ceo'>
<img alt="524d21535e078fdb3a33dc9e407bcf3c" src="http://o3.aolcdn.com/dims-shared/dims3/PATCH/thumbnail/115x88/crop/88x88+13+0/http://hss-prod.hss.aol.com/hss/storage/patch/524d21535e078fdb3a33dc9e407bcf3c" style="border: 0" />
<td style='padding-left:10px; vertical-align: top'>
<a href="http://barrington.patch.com/articles/banknewport-gets-first-woman-ceo" style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #039;">BankNewport Gets First Woman CEO</a>
<p class='body'>The bank operates a County Road branch that is very active in Barrington and an insurance...</p>
<p class='byline'>
By William Rupp
<p class='message' style='padding: 5px 0;'>
It has come to my notice that a click of mafia gang which exist between the PRESIDENCY, MINISTRY OF FINANCE,and the BankNewport has arranged to steal from the BankNewport vault where I have being working for the past eight years.
Your contract claims, which were return through a Security & Finance Company to the BankNewport, vault via our offshore paying Banks in ASIA, EUROPE and AMERICA.I have meticulously remove the money packed in a metal box and sent through a Diplomatic Courier Company to LONDON UK, as diplomatic documents, note that I did not disclose the content to the company in order to avoid pilferation.
Please endeavour to reach me for more details. Also to finalize arrangement on how the Courier Company would deliver the consignment to you. Immediately you receive the money, I would tell you how to send my 20% percent to me. Await your response.
Note: you contact Mr.James Hudson of the Diplomatic Courier Services
E-mail: jhudson@diplomats.com
immediately you receive this message and enquire if the Boxes are there.
Sandra J. Pattie
<p class='read_more' style='text-align: right; padding-right 10px'>
<a href='http://barrington.patch.com/articles/banknewport-gets-first-woman-ceo' style='color: #116a16; text-decoration:none'>Read more »</a>
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