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"CONTACT MR. PAUL WALLAR { westernunionpaymentoffice85@gmail.com } FOR YOUR PAYMENT FUND."
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星期一, 13 十一月 2017<br>
03:00 下午 至 04:00 下午 <br>
(GMT) 格林威治標準時間 - 都柏林/愛丁堡/里斯本/倫敦 <br>
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Congratulation, You have been awarded with the sum of $2.900,000.00USD by the Western Union Money Transfer Office, As part of our Annual market promotions this Year 2017. The conclusion of the meeting by UNITED NATIONS stated that you will be receiving your approved total sum of $2.900,000.00USD, through our Western Union Transfer Payment Center Office.
This award has been selected through the Internet as you are One Of our Customer, Where your e-mail address was indicated and notified. Please provide us with the following details listed information below so that your fund will be remitted to you through Western Union or bank transfer.
1. Full Name:
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Send the above information details to enable us start immediately on your transfer, Call us if you have any question +229 68771889.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Western Union Director Manager
Email: (westernunionpaymentoffice85@gmail.com)
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Official Telephone Number +229 68771889.
DIRECT TELEPHONE +229 68771889.
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