[Debian-l10n-devel] Plans for a Debian i18n sprint "towards i18n.debian.org" in Paris, June 15th-17th

Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) faw at debian.org
Wed Jun 13 16:49:02 UTC 2012

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On 23-04-2012 13:28, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Stephen Gran (sgran at debian.org):
>> Quite understood - we're all busy people.  I am assuming you would
>> like the two VMs turned back on in time for the sprint.  Is there
>> anything else you need before the sprint?  Anything else you need
>> generally?
> I think that, apart from  the machines being turned on again
> (machineS? Felipe, are there TWO machines?), not really...but
> Felipe can certainly give more details if needed.

DSA gave us two machines, one for ddtp.d.o (dukas.d.o) and one for
i18n.d.o (tye.d.o) and I didn't interfere on that, both are virtual
machines, and I just outline what we have and where we want to go,
DSA then did the capacity planning. :)

I tried to SSH into tye and dukas and they seem offline (also not
replying pings).  Not sure if it will be the same machines.

Kind regards,
- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <faw at debian.org>
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