[Debian-l10n-devel] The new DDTP/DDTSS (updated)

Joe Dalton joedalton2 at yahoo.dk
Sun Nov 4 10:29:40 UTC 2012

I think it is a good idea to also use the email address. Alias is always forgotten or has to be changed because another person already has used that name.

 Fra: Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog at gmail.com>
Til: Joe Dalton <joedalton2 at yahoo.dk> 
Cc: "debian-i18n at lists.debian.org" <debian-i18n at lists.debian.org>; Debian L10N Development <debian-l10n-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org> 
Sendt: 14:25 lørdag den 3. november 2012
Emne: Re: The new DDTP/DDTSS (updated)
On 3 November 2012 13:35, Joe Dalton <joedalton2 at yahoo.dk> wrote:
> If i go to
> http://ddtp.kleptog.org/ddtss/createlogin
> Alias: example
> Real Name: me myself
> Email adress: a at a.com
> password: to times
> then Iceweasel ask me if i would like to save the password for the e-mail
> adress! Not the Alias.

Hrm, looks like Iceweasel assumes the field before the password is the
username. Lame. Not sure what to do about that. Perhaps allowing
people to login using the email addresses is reasonable, though a bit
weird. Otherwise I need to redesign the form...

I'll think about it...

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog at gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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