[Debian-l10n-devel] Request: adding translation updates for package descriptions Wheezy

Joe Dalton joedalton2 at yahoo.dk
Sat Mar 29 23:25:19 UTC 2014

 I don't really have any ideas
 how to get this working. But what makes you think that some
 languages receive updates? The timestamps? I have no idea
 how that could have happened.
Yes exactly, some languages have newer timestamps.

 We can't really test update.
 We build a tarball and dak downloads it. If there are any
 directories it doesn't expect the whole tarball is
 rejected. Any action has to come from the ftpmaster

do you mean directories or files?

does an update create new directories in the tarball? I would expect just updated files.

has 03-May-2013 on most of the files, but not all.

and I would expect all the files here to be part of the next 7.5 (without knowing anything about how things are organized).

Can I see that tarball somewhere?


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