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<p>Hello,</p><p>We are financial brokers linked with high profile investors from the Middle East who are interested and willing to fund your company in any current project you are undergoing, they are privately seeking means of expanding their investment portfolio. Following previouse request, we seek to know the possibility of going into partnership discussion with your company within your present scope of business.</p><p>
We would be happy to do so in whatever medium you find much more appropriate for this engagement.</p><p> </p><p>Thanks, and Stay Safe.</p><p><br>Mohammed Azeem<br>Head of Finance & Administration<br>Abu Dhabi Financial Brokers<br>Addax Port Office Tower<br>25th Floor,<br>City of Light Tamouh<br>Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>
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