[debiandoc-sgml-pkgs] Bug#397676: Bug#397571: debian-reference: FTBFS: ERROR: reference.zh-tw.pdf could not be generated properly

Andreas Barth aba at not.so.argh.org
Thu Nov 30 10:41:28 CET 2006

* Danai SAE-HAN (danai.sae-han at edpnet.be) [061109 19:41]:
> > > Package: maint-guide
> > Same problem as debian-reference and debian-zh-faq, this time in the
> > japanese version (I already mentioned this in the bug report to #397676) 
> OK, that's noted.  It probably only needs a switch from the HBF fonts
> to the DNP Type1 fonts (see other email).

Can you be more verbose? I'm not really an TeX expert, but I want the
bugs to disappear. If there is anything what I can do please say so, but
at least I failed to apply the solutions in the bug reports.


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