[Fusioninventory-user] Trouble while installing agent

Guillaume Bougard gbougard at teclib.com
Mon Apr 26 08:37:41 BST 2021

Hi cmncompte,

as explained there: https://github.com/fusioninventory/fusioninventory-agent/issues/875

the problem is related to the way packages are managed in MacOSX.

To solve your problem, just run the following command to unregister the agent from the installation disk:
sudo pkgutil --forget org.fusioninventory-agent

Best regards,

Guillaume Bougard 
Teclib' SAS 

----- Mail original ----- 
De: "cmncompte"
À: fusioninventory-user at alioth-lists.debian.net 
Envoyé: Lundi 19 Avril 2021 16:07:19 
Objet: [Fusioninventory-user] Trouble while installing agent 

Hello everyone, 
I'm working on macOS X. After running the uninstall script of the fusion inventory agent (uninstall.sh), I can't do a new install of the same agent . The error message is "a newer version of this software is already present on this disk". The /opt/ directory is empty, launching agents are not present. 
Any idea about where is this information saved ? 

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