[Nut-upsdev] SVN migration status

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 18:23:20 UTC 2006

On 2/18/06, Peter Selinger <selinger at mathstat.dal.ca> wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> thanks for doing the migration. A relatively minor comment: unless
> your username on svn.debian.org is the same as your local username,
> you probably need something like
>  svn+ssh://selinger-guest@svn.debian.org/svn/nut/trunk
> for developer access to the repository.

Right, I totally forgot about that.

So much for cutting and pasting the SVN URLs to avoid typos :-)

Actually, I have this in my ~/.ssh/config file:

Host svn.debian.org
        User clepple-guest

(and ~/.ssh/config is one of the files, including .bashrc and
.bash_profile, which I sync between machines via SVN.)

> I agree that Trac is nicer than whatever that thing is that the Debian
> host provides. It is too bad that Trac can apparently not handle a
> remote repository; otherwise, it would be easy to attach Trac on your
> own server to the debian-hosted repository. Do you have any idea why
> Trac cannot do this? It would seem to make sense, since Trac uses the
> repository in a read-only way anyway. However, I tried setting this
> up, and could not get it to work. -- Peter

It uses some lower-level Subversion bindings to make updates more
efficient, and those bindings happen to only work on local repository
files (Berkeley DB or fsfs), not remote repositories.

I was thinking about having an alias on boxster that would do an rsync
from svn.debian.org when it gets a new commit message. However, it's a
little trickier than it sounds, since you have to account for several
emails in succession, spam, locking, permissions, and things like
that. Until then, I'll just run the rsync script from a cron job, or
by hand.

- Charles Lepple

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