Fw: [Nut-upsdev] Yet another HID device - Cyberpower AE550

J. Kanowitz jkanowitz at snet.net
Tue May 9 08:31:24 UTC 2006

Peter Selinger wrote, 
 > Hi Joe,
> I read between the lines that (a) you are using the newhidups driver,
> and (b) it is working. Is this correct? You might want to post the
> output of "upsc" just for the record. 

 Whups, I should've been more clear and less terse -- it's been a long weekend putting the machines these are supporting into production!
 This is my first encounter with nut, and as far as I could tell, 2.0.3's newhidups doesn't have any sort of generic mode.  The development tree does, but my ability to bang on the task (*lack of* explicit support at present) is limited right now -- looks like cps-hid.c/cps-hid.h would be in order?
 I didn't see a way to trick 2.0.3 into attaching newhidups to the device without modifying the source.
> A load measurement is not really essential, although it is nice to
> have. Shutdown is usually initiated based on remaining battery
> capacity.

 Agreed; this'd just be a device quirk if it'd leave any status variables 'floating.'  Haven't done enough reading...
 With some sleep, I realize I can cook up a patch and actually test it via laptop without disturbing the installed systems; that'll be next week, though -- assuming Ubuntu will deign to support my Thinkpad, speaking of quirks -- so if anyone wants to beat me to it, please feel free.
 -Thanks for reading,
 -Joe "Floid" Kanowitz
[Still not rested enough to have cc:d this properly to the list, heh.]

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