[Nut-upsdev] Re: apcsmart and ambient data (was: NUT and MonAMI

Steffen Plotner swplotner at amherst.edu
Fri Sep 5 02:44:43 UTC 2008

Hi Paul,
Aha - we have both found the same. I am referring to your post from:
Looking at the source code the temp value is obtained by querying the following OID:
#define APCC_OID_IEM_TEMP       "."
notice that the OID ends with .0 (index zero). Well, looking at the snmpwalk below:
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeNumber.1 = INTEGER: 1
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeName.1 = STRING: "Int Sensor"
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeStatus.1 = INTEGER: connected(2)
PowerNet-MIB::iemStatusProbeCurrentTemp.1 = INTEGER: 32

I see that the index is 1 and not 0, which is why we don't see the temperature probe's values.
Fixing the underlying problem is much harder. It seems to me that we need to 'walk' the mib structure to find the data. Have you resolved the issue?
Steffen Plotner 
Systems Administrator/Programmer 
Systems & Networking 
Amherst College 
PO BOX 5000 
Amherst, MA 01002-5000 
Tel (413) 542-2348 
Fax (413) 542-2626 
Email: swplotner at amherst.edu 
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