[Nut-upsdev] [Nut-upsuser] Getting 'Data stale' error with bcmxcp_usb for a PowerWare 5115 on OSX

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 13:01:18 UTC 2010

On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 4:29 AM, Charlie Garrison <garrison at zeta.org.au> wrote:
> Good evening,
> On 6/03/10 at 9:34 AM +0100, Arjen de Korte <nut+devel at de-korte.org> wrote:
>> I'm cross-posting this to the development mailinglist. I would prefer to
>> continue this thread there, so please do not reply on the nut-upsuser list.
>> This is more related to development and we probably need someone with more
>> in-depth knowledge on OSX than I have (essentially none at all).


I followed this thread but I guess I don't know enough about the
operation of the bcmxcp_driver on non-OSX boxes to understand what
could possibly be different on OS X.

A while back, NUT opened the USB device, forked, and used that
descriptor in the child process. That breaks in OS X because the USB
connection is per-process. Currently, if the debug level is zero, we
go into the background before opening the USB device. I admit I
haven't done physical device testing with 2.4.3 on OS X yet (I spent
too much time messing with FreeBSD for the last release), but I don't
remember any other recent architectural changes which could cause
problems like that.

> Again, thanks for your help. And I've subscribed to the dev list. Also, I'm
> quite knowledgeable about userland stuff in OSX, but with kernel/driver
> stuff I will need to follow someone else's lead.
> So, what else can I do help identify the cause of the error?

Have you ever used dtrace?

This is just for reference, but do you have the "USB Prober"
application? (I think it comes with Xcode.) I would like to get a copy
of the file generated by the "Save Output" button on the "Bus Probe"
tab. It's just a text file, so if you want, you can trim off the
non-UPS devices if you prefer.

- Charles Lepple

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