[Nut-upsdev] [nut-commits] svn commit r2620 - trunk/drivers

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 08:08:39 UTC 2010

2010/10/26 Arjen de Korte

> Author: adkorte-guest
> Date: Tue Oct 26 18:38:23 2010
> New Revision: 2620
> URL: http://trac.networkupstools.org/projects/nut/changeset/2620
> Log:
> Modified:
>   trunk/drivers/dummy-ups.h


since we're using svn logs to generate the ChangeLog, I went on the server
to modify this empty log msg with "Fix compilation warnings".

FYI, "svn propedit" doesn't work since pre-revprop-change hook is not
So you have to get on the server (svn.d.o) and use the following form:
svnadmin setlog /path/to/repository -r revision_number --bypass-hooks

If you need some more info to be able to do the same later, don't hesitate
to ping me.

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