[Nut-upsuser] [OT] Re: UPS units and heat generation

Steve Loughran stevelml1@scee.sony.co.uk
Tue, 21 Jun 2005 15:11:01 +0100

Hi Arnaud

> first, remember that not everybody has yet switched to these
> new lists, so there won't be lots of answers for the moment...

I gathered that from the deafening silence and the complete lack of 
anything in this months list archives :)

> You've got to correlate the QOS (Quality Of Service, ie the type
> of UPS between offline, line interactive and online) with the actual
> load on output. That will generate more or less heat.
> The rule of thumb is: the best quality, the more heat generated...

I remember many years ago being sat to an under-desk online unit... man, 
was that hot...

> Lastly, that's the first time I hear this question. Generally, people
> look toward QOS and runtime, more than generated heat, but
> that's because line-int. and online are in air cond. room...

Well, I am glad I can ask a new question. Obviously, with so much 
expensive kit in one small room, QOS is the most important, but when i 
get everything running I need to 3KVA to get enough runtime for NUT to 
shut everything down (which it does very nicely btw!!). Its the heat 
build up in the room when almost idle that causes me concern. If I am in 
the room, i can put my portable AirCon unit on, but I cant leave it on 
overnight or during the day... nor can I leave the office door open, for 
fear of my curious cats getting up to no good in amongst the spaghetti 
of cables under the table.

> I'll just point, as always, MGE's UPS selector:
> http://www.mgeups.com/selector/ups/

Cool... the selector comes up with the 3000 unit, but no heat rating 
(found that some of the APC units give a BTU rating on the website, but 
not all of them).

> I can then put you in touch with some MGE representative to talk
> about this point...

I found the contact details for the UK distributor, I`ll email them 
directly and see if they can help.

On the other hand, it could get quite expensive... maybe i`ll just put 
up with it :)
