[Nut-upsuser] upsdrvctl Unhandled Exception - hipups

John Moore jbm at microps.com
Sun Oct 23 20:56:05 UTC 2005

Charles Lepple wrote:

> I think you want to search for "newhidups" ('hid" for the "Human
> Interface Device" class of USB devices - sounds kind of odd, but HID
> UPSes return data using the same protocol as USB keyboards, mice and
> joysticks).
oops, "hid" my typo... yes, I did find more when I spelled it 
correctly.. <embarassed grin>

> I haven't used RH9 for several years, so there's another reason for
> asking on the list. You might have to compile from source, or get RPMs
> from someone else. The "hidups" driver is an ugly hack, and a
> nightmare to maintain, but newhidups has taken longer to develop (so
> you might need newer RPMs than what is in the RedHat updates).


 Indicates it needs  at least a 2.4.25 or 2.6.2 kernel..  I'm running 
2.4.30 so that should work. This site indicate that it only supports MGE 
UPS System models..?? I'm using APC systems.  I assume that what is 
included in NUTs is going to work for APC systems...????

Found another note that  newhidups needs at least the  0.1.8 of the 
libusb packages..
I could not find any rpms greater than 0.1.7 or RH9 so I have downloaded 
0.1.10a source and will see how that goes..

BTW  could not find libusb-devel as a separate package..  Excuse my 
ignorance, but am I to assume that libusb-devel "files" are included in 
the source for 0.1.10a ??

  Let you know what happens...<weak grin>


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