[Nut-upsuser] Gentoo Ultra USB UPS

Barry Fawthrop barry at ttienterprises.org
Tue Aug 1 14:47:15 UTC 2006

Thank Kjell

even changing to 0D9F  I get

/lib/nut/newhidups -DDDD -u root -x vendorid=0d9f auto
Network UPS Tools: New USB/HID UPS driver 0.28 (2.0.3)

debug level is '4'
Checking device (0D9F/0001) (001/003)
- VendorID: 0d9f
- ProductID: 0001
- Manufacturer: unknown
- Product: unknown
- Serial Number: unknown
- Bus: 001
Trying to match device
Device does not match - skipping
Checking device (0000/0000) (001/001)
- VendorID: 0000
- ProductID: 0000
- Manufacturer: Linux 2.6.14-hardened-r3 uhci_hcd
- Product: UHCI Host Controller
- Serial Number: 0000:00:1f.2
- Bus: 001
Trying to match device
Device does not match - skipping
No appropriate HID device found
No matching USB/HID UPS found


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