[Nut-upsuser] Problem detecting USB/HID UPS

Brian Foster penguinator781 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 09:52:08 UTC 2006

Hi all,
I guess this is more for the development side of things, rather than for 
my own benefit:
In response to the permission problems I was experiencing, I looked at 
the udevinfo output for my Tripplite SMART1200LCD, and this is all it 
gives me:

brifo at thebeast:/$ udevinfo -q all -p /class/usb_device/usbdev1.18
P: /class/usb_device/usbdev1.18
N: bus/usb/001/018
E: USB_BUS=001
E: USB_DEV=018

man udevinfo states that these are the attributes that can be used when 
making rules for the udev .rules files.  The obvious problem is that the 
only available information for the Tripplite SMART 1200 USB is its USB 
connectivity info, which changes with each unplug and boot.  This makes 
it next to impossible to form dependable permissions rules.  I think 
I'll take Peter's advice on his website and just run the apps (upsmon,  
upsdrvctl, etc) as root.  If anyone has any better solutions, I would 
gladly be open to suggestions. 

~Brian Foster


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