[Nut-upsuser] Hi all

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 23:14:37 UTC 2006

On 7/10/06, Matt Richardson <shortpath at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been using nut to manage a variety of smart and dumb UPS's for
> about a year now, so I've got no excuse for just subscribing to the
> list now.  Except maybe that the debian-user lists provide plenty of
> reading material.  Anyway,  I recently updated a couple of boxes to
> 2.6.15 kernels from 2.4.x and got to learn fun things about udev.  I'm
> happy to do a write up on a simple udev rule to make permissions and
> ownership stick across reboots if anyone would find this helpful.

I think this is originally from an email sent by Bruno Wolff:

> You can copy the file scripts/hotplug-ng/nut-usbups.rules.in to
> /etc/udev/rules.d/nut-usbups.rules . You will probab;ly need to create
> the rules.d directory. rules.d and nut-usbups.rules can be publicly
> readable and should be owned by root. In nut-usbups.rules you need to
> substitute @RUN_AS_USER@ with nut .

Worked just last week on a mixed sarge/testing box.

- Charles Lepple

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