[Nut-upsuser] Trust UPS 425 [powercom driver] Cable Schematics

Alessio Leonarduzzi alessio.leonarduzzi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 14:05:37 UTC 2006

>Hi all! I have the Trust UPS 425 but I don't have the serial cable, have 
>someone that schamatics?

>thks, Alessio

I've found two schematics:

Trust 400/650
PC(DB-9)  UPS(DB-9)
2 --------------- 1
9 --------------- 2
5 --------------- 4
6 --------------- 5
3 --------------- 6
8 --------------- 7
7 --------------- 8
4 --------------- 9

Powercom (I don't know the model)
PC(DB-9)                UPS(DB-9)
6 --R10Kohm---+
4 --R10Kohm---+--+           +- 7
              |  |           |
1 ------------x--+-----------+- 2
5 ---------------+-----------x- 4
8 ---------------x------------- 5
3 ----------------------------- 6

Do you think about it? 

Thanks, Alessio

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