[Nut-upsuser] newhidups driver process crashed shortly after upsd loads

Steve Ziuchkovski steve at ziuchkovski.com
Sat Mar 18 00:01:55 UTC 2006

>From: "Charles Lepple" <clepple at gmail.com>
>> The hotplug files were not automatically installed, I had to copy those 
>> from
>> the scripts directory to my hotplug/usb directory.
>Which distribution? (Trying to work with every distribution's hotplug
>systems is like herding cats, but hopefully we'll catch up before they
>all start using some other hotplug system)

I'm running fedora FC4.

As for the rest, I just got back from an underway period on my ship. And as 
for your apology for taking so long to get back to me - my mail server's 
been down for the last for days while I've been gone! I'm actually very 
happy that your message stayed in the mail queue long enough for me to get 
my server back on-line.

I'll try out your suggestions and let you know what I discover sometime this 


Steve Z.

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