[Nut-upsuser] MGE Ellipse Premium 1200 USB cable only works if plugged after boot

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 18:37:42 CET 2006

Hi Pedro,

2006/11/2, Pedro Côrte-Real <pedro at pedrocr.net>:
> On 11/2/06, Kjell Claesson <kjell.claesson at epost.tidanet.se> wrote:
> > Hi Pedro,
> Hi
> > It depends on what dist of Linux you are running. The new type
> > use udev and hal and the old use coldplug.
> >
> > So little more info about your system please.
> I'm using Ubuntu edgy. That uses udev but since it's a server install
> it doesn't use hal and dbus. Nut is 2.0.4-2, the kernel is 2.6.17-10
> and udev is 093-0ubuntu18.
> I did a lsusb -v before and after repluggin the cable and the only
> difference seems to be the device being given a new device number,
> from 3 to 4.

are you sure the owner / group doesn't change?

> Any ideas on what might be happening?

I'm running edgy too on the present laptop.
I've not deeply gone through, but it seems the backward hotplug
compatibility (upon which I've based the official .deb) has gone.
So, a good test would be to:
- backup /etc/udev/rules.d/025_nut-usbups.rules
- overwrite the above with the attached version
- reboot, check the /dev/... file and report back.

Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/

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