[Nut-upsuser] MGE Ellipse Premium 1200 USB cable only works if plugged after boot

Pedro Côrte-Real pedro at pedrocr.net
Sat Nov 4 23:09:17 CET 2006

On 11/3/06, Arnaud Quette <aquette.dev at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't yet know much about upstart.
> What is sure is that nut 2.2 will also integrate the basic HAL
> integration to feed HAL. Any info / pointer about upstart and events
> are also welcome, if you're interested in helping us a bit. But that's
> a new upsdev thread...

Interfacing with HAL should be enough actually. HAL would then
generate the approriate events and everything should work. What might
happen is that nut stops being the one calling shutdown. But I've only
read some simple articles about upstart.

Thanks for the help,


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