[Nut-upsuser] [Nut-upsdev] Mustek PowerMust 1000AV USB feedbacks

Jimmy Jazz Jimmy.Jazz at gmx.net
Sun Aug 12 15:14:26 UTC 2007


sorry for my late reply.

Arjen de Korte a écrit :
>> It looks like the nut-upsuser list is momentarily down. That's why I
>> send it to nut-upsdev list too.
> As far as I know, it isn't down, but the traffic is low. This may be due
> in part to the way how the listserver deals with new messages. It looks to
> me that some sending systems may not be compatible with this, since I
> sometimes receive messages from people directly that were also sent to the
> mailinglist, but never show up there.

Also, I switched back to the nut-upsuser list.


>> Also, i noticed that the ups.temperature never changed (25°C looks very
>> low for me especially in summer :)

> This value may be entirely bogus, maybe your UPS doesn't have an internal
> temperature sensor (or it is broken). From the debug data, this is the
> actual value read from the UPS, so there is nothing we can do about that.
Yes it it definitely broken. It has never changed since i'm using that
power supply.

Pity we cannot have any more clues about Mustek upses :(

>> In battery mode, (i cannot say if it is alright when the power fell so
>> fast and stabilized at 60% and also recover fast too when the power is
>> back, the load average is only 16% :( )
> The battery charge is calculated by the megatec driver based on the
> battery voltage, it's not a value from the UPS. This is not a very
> accurate way of determining the battery charge and will result in a highly
> non-linear transfer function. Don't count on it to be accurate, it isn't.

Just to make the returned values more consistent with the upsc output,
it would be great to have an emulated "remaining time" feature as well :)

> If realistic values for battery charge and runtime are important to you,
> you're better of with a more sophisticated UPS.

It is just to avoid breakage during a power failure, no more :)

> With regards to the shutdown problems, try if this works through the
> serial interface. The megatec_usb driver is very new, so this may indeed
> be a bug. It could also be that your UPS simply doesn't respond to this
> command. The best way to verify this, is by trying the same through the
> serial interface and post the results here.

Actually, I have tested the power supply with the serial interface and
it stopped as expected when upsmon sent an fsd (however it doesn't wake
up again like the mge).
IMO, it is like a bug in the serial to usb driver.

I tried also the hal feature with the megatec_usb (Mustek ups) and the
usbhid-ups (MGE Ellipse 750 USBS) drivers. In both case, hald returns
many errors about an unclaimed interface. Rather annoying because it is
filling the log file quite fast.

- (hald-addon-megatec_usb)
tail -f /var/log/syslog
seal 2007-08-12T16:58:53+02:00 [kern:warning:kernel] kernel: usb 2-1:
usbfs: process 6986 (hald-addon-mega) did not claim interface 0 before use

- (usbhid-ups)
tail -f /var/log/syslog
Aug 12 10:15:48 s_kernel at snowman kernel: usb 2-2: usbfs: process 10816
(hald-addon-usbh) did not claim interface 0 before use
Aug 12 10:15:48 s_kernel at snowman kernel: usb 2-2: usbfs: process 11657
(usbhid-ups) did not claim interface 0 before use

> Best regards, Arjen



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