[Nut-upsuser] multiple machines

Thomas Kear thomas.kear at gmail.com
Wed Feb 21 00:11:55 CET 2007

No, you can shut down any number of machines connected to any number of UPS's.  
The flow of UPS state data goes like so:

1) UPS Driver connects via serial/USB to UPS, provides data through socket 
(in /var/lib/nut on my system).
2) upsd reads data from socket, provides access to it via tcp port 3493
3) upsmon connects to tcp socket to monitor one or more UPSs and trigger 
shutdown when conditions are met.

On the multiple system/UPS thing:
1) You need as many ups drivers as there are UPSs, one monitors each.
2) There only needs to be one copy of upsd, it concatenates the data from 
multiple UPS drivers (that is ignoring situations where you have multiple 
UPSs but attached to different machines).
3) Every machine that is to be shut down needs its own copy of upsmon, all 
reading from upsd on the host machine with the UPS attached.

As well as upsmon, there are monitoring apps that connect to upsd to to show 
UPS status, NUT comes with 'upsc' (command line), but there are graphical 
ones too, 'knutclient' (http://www.alo.cz/knutclient/) for instance.

Someone has made diagrams that explain this perfectly, but I can't find them.  
They're probably on http://www.networkupstools.org somewhere.
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