[Nut-upsuser] Help with nut 2.0.4, MGE Ellipse 1000 and FreeBSD

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Tue Jan 2 14:30:19 CET 2007

> bug fixes are definitely welcome for the final 2.0.5...
> so don't hesitate to backport theses change.

I already did. :-)

> More generally, I'll start a discussion about the driver polling rate
> (2 sec) which was accurate with the dumb and old smart units, but
> which is really too high for recent / verbose units (that also support
> an interrupt / notification mechanism, allowing to lower the polling
> rate, while not missing events).

That is a no-brainer. We already support changing the polling rate through
the -i command line option for the drivers. Just advise people to set this
to 30 seconds or so for the drivers in question and we should be fine.

> thanks for the MGE support during my vacation ;-)

The bill is in the mail. ;-)

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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