[Nut-upsuser] NOTIFYCMD not running

Michelle Dupuis support at ocg.ca
Thu Jan 18 04:53:36 CET 2007

I changed the line to:
NOTIFYCMD "logger 'upsmon: test running notify command'"

But my simulated powerfailure has the same results:

Jan 17 22:50:21 vmhost2 upsmon[6800]: UPS upsmasonville at localhost on battery
Jan 17 22:50:21 vmhost2 wall[7835]: wall: user nutmon broadcasted 1 lines
(40 chars)
Jan 17 22:50:21 vmhost2 logger: UPS upsmasonville at localhost on battery
Jan 17 22:50:51 vmhost2 upsmon[6800]: UPS upsmasonville at localhost on line
Jan 17 22:50:51 vmhost2 wall[7840]: wall: user nutmon broadcasted 1 lines
(43 chars)
Jan 17 22:50:51 vmhost2 logger: UPS upsmasonville at localhost on line power 

Any ideas why the NOTIFYCMD is not running?


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Lepple [mailto:clepple at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 9:03 PM
To: Michelle Dupuis
Cc: nut-upsuser at lists.alioth.debian.org
Subject: Re: [Nut-upsuser] NOTIFYCMD not running

On 1/17/07, Michelle Dupuis <support at ocg.ca> wrote:
> Can someone offer insight/ideas as to why my NOTIFYCMD is not running?
> NOTIFYCMD logger "upsmon: test running notify command"

>From "man upsmon.conf":

              Remember, this also needs to be one element in the
              file, so if your command has spaces, then wrap it in quotes.

                   NOTIFYCMD "/path/to/script --foo --bar"

It looks like you have two arguments to NOTIFYCMD, "logger" and
"upsmon: test running notify command".

Odd that you didn't get an error message from upsmon that the syntax was not
right, though.

- Charles Lepple

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