[Nut-upsuser] upsd does not strt up

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Mon May 21 18:06:50 UTC 2007

Peter Selinger wrote:

>>> Forget about truss and just post the output of './upsd -DDD'.
> Could you do that, please? -- Peter

Never mind that, it's already clear to me what is wrong. After stripping
the junk that truss added, it leaves the following output:

> Network UPS Tools upsd 2.1.0 listen_add: added 
> listen_add: added

So far, no problems. Apparently you configured 'upsd.conf' to listen to and That's probably fine, assuming
these addresses exist and no other daemons are listening there.

> setuptcp: try to bind to port 3493 setuptcp: protocol
> mismatch [0] not listening on port 3493

Ouch! This is unexpected. Apparently, getaddrinfo() returned one
addrinfo element, which is what we expected since we explicitly asked
for a TCP listening socket:

> hints.ai_flags	= AI_PASSIVE;
> hints.ai_family	= opt_af;
> hints.ai_socktype	= SOCK_STREAM;
> hints.ai_protocol	= IPPROTO_TCP;

But for whatever reason, it returns an addrinfo element for a IPPROTO_IP
protocol. That might be OK, but is not what we expected. POSIX is not
really clear about this:

> If ai_family is not AF_UNSPEC and ai_protocol is not zero, then
> addresses are returned for use only with the specified address family
> and protocol; the value of ai_protocol shall be interpreted as in a
> call to the socket() function with the corresponding values of
> ai_family and ai_protocol.

I would be *very* grateful if you could find the time to checkout the
following two scenarios:

1) Startup the server through

	upsd -4 -DDD

This will set the hints.ai_family to AF_INET and instructs
getaddrinfo() that the returned addrinfo element will be used for an
IPv4 listening socket). Now it should return an IPPROTO_TCP [6] addrinfo
element. See if this improves the outcome.

2) Comment out the 'continue' statements on lines 277 and 282 of the
file server/upsd.c and recompile the thing. Now start the server again

	upsd -DDD

This will effectively ignore a sockettype and protocol mismatch and
basically trust that whatever getaddrinfo() is returning is correct.
Since we pretty much rule out any other addrinfo elements through the
hints we gave to it, this is not necessarily a bad thing to do.

Please be kind to us mere mortals and don't use truss anymore, unless we
explicitly ask for it. It adds no useful information to us and really is
a pain to weed out the good bits.

Best regards, Arjen

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