[Nut-upsuser] MGE Pulsar EX over serial problem (FreeBSD)

Daniel O'Connor doconnor at gsoft.com.au
Tue Nov 18 10:33:24 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 18 November 2008 19:57:23 Arnaud Quette wrote
> a small update... sorry for the delay!

No problem :)

> > Yes I got the sorry tale from our wholesaler when it happened. No real
> > effect except some names change slightly :)
> I can tell you that it hasn't been easy to switch between 2 giant
> groups, and adapt/change everything within a year...
> but that's another point, which is not the topic.

Hmm, hopefully the end user disruption is minimal :)

> I've had a chance to test yesterday a similar US model (Pulsar EX 1000
> RT2U), and have not been able to reproduce the problem :-(

Bugger.. It is quite annoying for us because we can't get the UPS model 
locally so testing is a real pain.

> but it was with a Linux system!
> I've installed a FreeBSD into VirtualBox, but haven't yet completed
> this install (what's the right command to install nut btw?)

Install FreeBSD then reboot and login (as root, or su)
Update your ports tree with "portsnap fetch" and then "portsnap extract". 
After that install NUT by doing..
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/nut
make install

Config files go into /usr/local/etc/nut, driver binaries 
into /usr/local/libexec/nut

> I'll have to do some FreeBSD testing, but if I can't reproduce it
> again, I'll possibly need an access to one of the faulty unit (is it
> possible?).

Hmm I doubt it :(
I could certainly run test programs and generate comms logs for you. The 
problematic units are not owned by us - we maintain them for our customers.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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