[Nut-upsuser] ordered shutdown

Arjen de Korte nut+users at de-korte.org
Tue Feb 10 19:50:29 UTC 2009

Citeren Marco Chiappero <marco op absence.it>:

> This would be useful too, but I would be happy enough just having
> different shutdown moments based on timer|charge|runtime as apcupsd and
> MGE's psp[1] do natively (and as it should be)!

It's funny that you mention MGE PSP here, since except for the  
shutdown timer (reason explained in the FAQ), NUT already provides  
*all* functionality it has (including shutdown based on charge and  
runtime). What you may be missing is the fact that this requires  
setting values on the UPS through the 'upsrw' command to control the  
level when the UPS will decide the battery is low. What we currently  
don't have, is multiple decision levels, but this is something that  
will be dealt with through the use of virtual UPS devices that are  
accessible through the regular interface.

>> In that case, put these scripts on a network drive. They don't have to
>> live in /etc/ups (or whatever is compiled in).
> Obviously you can do it, but it's not a much better solution. Having to
> set up a file server to accomplish what, in my opinion, NUT should do
> natively it's certainly not a solution.

That depends a lot on your configuration. If you already have many  
more or less identical clients on your system, chances are that this  
file server will already source the configuration for these systems. I  
know of quite a couple of large installations where NUT is used where  
this is the case and this is quite a workable setup.


> 1) different shutdown criteria

We already have that if the UPS supports it. If it doesn't support it,  
we don't and won't do that. There is far too much crappy UPS hardware  
around to add this for units that don't support this natively.

> 2) different shutdown time points

This will be added but is currently lacking development time and attention.

> 3) automatic restart management / automatic programmable outlet power on

We won't add #2 without #3.

> The third is not required for implementing points 1 and 2.

Not at all. Without this, unattended shutdowns are just not an option,  
which is the base of NUT.

> The first one is absolutely the most important and already present in any UPS
> tool I've seen.

See above. For devices that support this, NUT already has this. If I  
remember correctly you have a MGE Evolution 650 and I know that this  
is supported (for a couple of releases already).

What is much more important than the issues you raise, is the fact  
that configuration of NUT is much too complicated at the moment. Many  
people simply give up because of the overwhelming amount of  
configuration required to setup simple monitoring of their UPS.

Best regards, Arjen
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