[Nut-upsuser] Driver for UPS Eaton 9130

Kjell Claesson kjell.claesson at epost.tidanet.se
Sun Mar 15 22:34:14 UTC 2009

söndag 15 mars 2009 23:09:20 skrev  Attila Csontos:
> Hi all,
Hi Attila,

> I am using this UPS with nut-2.4.1. Communication between UPS and PC
> over serial cable.
> On computer I am using Sun Solaris 10 x86, ver. 10/08. Build of binary
> was successful.
> But unfortunatelly I dont know, which driver should I use (if any works
> for this kind of UPS).

This is a new Powerware ups. You can try the bcmxcp driver.
If that fail, you can go for the upscode2 driver.


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