[Nut-upsuser] USB/UPS connectivity issue on Intel DP55KG Motherboard [DEBUG logs included upsd/upsmon/usbhid-ups]

Justin Piszcz jpiszcz at lucidpixels.com
Sun Oct 18 20:23:17 UTC 2009

On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Justin Piszcz wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Justin Piszcz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have included debugging logs-- see below, is this a nut or kernel/USB 
>> subsystem issue?
>> Robert/Nut User List--
>> Looks like the data goes stale, please let me know if any more 
>> logs/debugging is required, is this a kernel/usb problem or a nut issue? I 
>> recall a change in the USB subsystem a few kernel versions back caused a 
>> different issue (on a different UPS, but nevertheless it was kernel 
>> related).

The details+logs are here (previous e-mail did not go through, too large for
the list):
wget http://home.comcast.net/~jpiszcz/20091014/nut-problem.txt

For now I have disabled nut-- is there any more debugging that I can do to
help find/solve the problem?  Also cc'ing linux-usb & linux-kernel on this 

Highlights from the above txt file:

Pinging UPS [apc]
mainloop: polling 3 filedescriptors
Got PONG from UPS [apc]
mainloop: polling 3 filedescriptors
mainloop: no data available
mainloop: polling 3 filedescriptors
sstate_dead: driver for UPS [apc] says data is stale
Data for UPS [apc] is stale - check driver
mainloop: polling 3 filedescriptors
mainloop: no data available
sstate_dead: driver for UPS [apc] says data is stale
mainloop: polling 3 filedescriptors
Sending error [DATA-STALE] to client
write: [destfd=6] [len=15] [ERR DATA-STALE]
sstate_dead: driver for UPS [apc] says data is stale
mainloop: polling 3 filedescriptors
mainloop: no data available
sstate_dead: driver for UPS [apc] says data is stale
mainloop: polling 3 filedescriptors

Entering libusb_get_report
Report[get]: (2 bytes) => 50 16
PhyMax = 0, PhyMin = 0, LogMax = 100, LogMin = 0
get_unit_expo: 00000000 found 0
Path: UPS.PowerConverter.PercentLoad, Type: Feature, ReportID: 0x50, Offset: 0, Size: 8, Value: 22.000000
Entering libusb_get_report
Can't retrieve Report 21: Broken pipe
send_to_one: PONG
Got to reconnect!

The same cable, UPS etc was used on another motherboard for 1-2+ years without
any issue, after moving it to a DP55KG, this problem began.


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